Monday, August 25, 2008

My Fast Mommy

This isn't the best picture of me. I'm normally a camera-bug, but I guess I didn't realize that the picture was being taken. Here I am on South Center St in Ashland, VA (which coincidentally is the center of the universe) with Daddy and Uncle Eliot. Aunt Liz was there too, but she was the one taking the picture. We were standing across the street from their house because this was mile point 6.5 in a half marathon that Mommy ran Saturday. She did her best time ever, 1:47.23 which equates to a string of 13.1 miles at an 8:11 pace. Wow. We were there to cheer her on, so that may have helped. The sign is difficult to read in the picture, but I drew it up, it said Go Mommy Go! Aunt Beth was running too (but she was 5 minutes behind Mommy). The other side of the sign said Run Aunt Beth Run! What a nice morning to watch all those crazy people fun entirely too far. Go Mommy Go!

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