Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My T&C Revamp

$68 and about a week and a half later, Daddy finally got his camera back from Turks, so I'm rewinding a bit to post some of my favorites pics and explain them. This first one, it's really not Daddy trying to be seductive on camera, it was about 6.45 AM and poor Daddy was barely awake, see, I'm even still (partially) in my burrito blanket. The next one is me and Miss Terry. Miss Terry came to sit for me the night of Big G's 65th birthday so that all the big people could go out to dinner. She strapped me into the baby bjorn and walked me all around the property. I must have worked up an appetite walking b/c it's been the only time yet that I've eaten two whole containers of green beans. This last one is of my tan M&D suspiciously looking like their enjoying time away from me while I'm with Miss Terry. We can't have that now can we?

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