Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My First Days as a Big Sister

So I am now getting used to being a big sister. It's taken some time and some work. I've had to take a gigantic leap forward in my concept of sharing. At first it was all I could do to share my M&D with Baby Whit. But now I've gotten better about sharing other things. I share my time as you can see me sitting with him in the rocking chair. But my biggest step was sharing my prized possession. As my constant readers may know, Night Night Bear is the king of all other things in my domain. I sleep with him every night, without fail. In fact last night, there was a crisis as I was going to bed, he was no where to be found. M&D searched high and low, and in the process, Baby Whit spit up all over himself, but I needed to be mollified before anything could be done about that. Fortunately, after about 15 minutes, Daddy had the foresight to look under the sink in their bathroom to find my NNB. Pacified, I went directly to sleep, M&D cleaned and bathed Baby Whit and promptly opened a bottle of wine. But I digress, as you can see from the above picture, I briefly loaned NNB to Baby Whit, before Indian Giver taking him back.

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