Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Twin Weekend

Neither of these pictures have much to do with my weekend, I just thought they might suffice as a fix for all you baby lovers out there. Friday night we went to meet Ryan and Brendan, twins born to M&D's friends Josh and Jenn on Feb. 29th. Stupid daddy forgot to take the camera with him Friday night when we went over for dinner. Then they came over for the Irish Festival on saturday afternoon. We didn't get any pictures of them then either, but they are so cute and so little. M&D seem to have lots of friends with twins, I'm jealous. The second picture is how they dressed me to take me to the Irish Festival. I'm not sure why they delight so in dressing me up like animals, but it feels a little demeaning to me. It was a little chilly at the festival though, so I was glad I was bundled and furry. Amazing the change in the weather, just the day before, I wore my first spring dress as depicted in the first frame.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

She is such a cutie. Can't wait to hopefully meet her in one person one day. We love seeing what baby Stella is up to!
Love, Nicole