Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Favorite Cousins

My mommy and daddy both love the show How I Met Your Mother, I got exposed to a lot of it while I was still in mommy's tummy. The entire show is told from a flashback standpoint of a dad telling his kids exactly what the show's title implies. All of the flashbacks come back to present day. This blog seems to be turning out the same way, except my flashbacks really only go back two days at this point.
Anyway, half my life ago, and that would be yesterday, my cousins came to visit me while I was still in the hospital. You can see them in the pictures. The one holding me alone, is seven year old Emily. I was born the day after her seventh birthday. The one who is holding me, while respectively sitting on mommy's lap is Charlotte. Charlotte will be five this year. She was born right before mommy and daddy got married. They're both so pretty and smart, I can't wait to grow up and be just like them.

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