Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Rio Trip

Actually I didn't go to Rio, but daddy says that I must have been there since I look so tan and both of my parents are so pale. Actually we learned why. Because I haven't been eating as well as I should have been, my bilirubin is high. Not dangerously so, otherwise they'd have to stick me under the blue tinted french fry warmers, but high enough. Bilirubin is a liver enzyme that leads to jaundice. Daddy says his was tested high once, but that probably had to do with alcohol. Anyway, it's this light jaundice that makes me look like I have a healthy suntan. We are working on this now. We went to see the nice Dr. Kancitis at MCV this morning. My weight was up a little, and my bilirubin was down, both respectively positive directions. We're going back in tomorrow to see if I am doing increasingly better. Mommy and daddy got chastised by the doctor today. See, apparently I slept well enough to not wake up mommy and daddy and I missed my 3 am feeding. She said not to let that happen tonight. They said they would set an alarm to make certain tonight. Can't win for losing, I finally get a good night's sleep and it's not the right thing!

1 comment:

Aunt Jane said...

Thanks for the updates. Now I don't have to call meme to see how Stella is doing.Hope she can get on her own schedule soon. Aunt Jane