Friday, January 25, 2008

My First Doctor's Appt revisited

Ok, so maybe I was a little cavalier earlier about my impending Dr's appt. Dr. McKenna was very nice and didn't look much older than me, though he had kids older than me so I guess he is. He did make me stay in my diaper in a cold room for too long, but other than that I'll give him a pass. Apparently, my dieting has turned me into Mary Kate Olson. I'm down to 88% of my birth body weight, so Dr. McKenna says I have to go in on Saturday morning to get checked. The goal is to add an ounce of body weight a day, I guess I need to start working in concert with mommy to eat better. I learned a better understanding of a vocabulary word today. I had heard daddy call people he doesn't like pricks and I didn't really get it. Today I got my foot pricked to draw blood and I immediately got it. Pricks suck! I'll give you an update on more tomorrow about my health when I know more.

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