Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Aunt Nancy

I call a lot of people Aunt. Some of them are, some of them are friends of M&D's, some of them I just like a lot. This picture depicts my great Aunt Nancy. Now of course, she is great, but she gets the official title because she is daddy's Aunt. She drove to Richmond from Covington just to see me. It's a harrowing journey, mostly heralded by dodging big trucks on I-81. Aunt Nancy has another half, that's my great Uncle Nick. Uncle Nick was unable to come. He is down in Mexico with Habitat for Humanity building houses for people who don't have them. I will get to see Aunt Nancy and meet Uncle Nick in a couple of weekends. Mommy and Daddy are taking me near Covington to the Homestead to stay for a night. Nick and Nancy are going to come see me there. I also get to meet my cousins Mary Ann and Chris that weekend. More on that as I get closer.

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