Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Lost Friend

Well, actually Jen was never really lost, just her picture. In daddy's zeal to get all of the pictures properly downloaded, he accidentally put some of them in the wrong folder. This picture of mommy's work friend Jen did not end up in the correct file. I found it today and am correcting that wrong since I try to post pictures of everyone who comes to see me. It ended up with some some pictures of me after a tubby the other night, but again daddy told me that the internet is not now, nor ever, the proper forum for naked pictures of me. So here's me in my modest white onesy. I'll show them what I can do to a white onesy! Anyway, Jen told mommy that she'd be happy to keep me if M&D ever want to go out on date night. Looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha! No hard feelings!jmublndy1