Monday, February 18, 2008

My Big Weekend

Sorry I've been away so long, I've been very busy this weekend and just have had a ton of time to get to the computer. Friday I spent the day at Aunt Beth's. She explained a little more about hitting the sauce. Still not sure I get it, but Aunt Beth told me I have to be at least 15 before she'll let me hit it. Guess I have time to understand. Friday night daddy cooked dinner for mommy for a belated valentine's day. Rack of lamb, yummy. Saturday night, we had a baby friendly baby shower at my Uncle Colin and Aunt Tara's. They have a nine month old daughter Lily who I want to be just like when I grow up. She's so pretty with big eyes. M&D took me on a long walk yesterday in the nice weather. Daddy's friend Bryan came over to meet me and help daddy with his kegerator. Sorry I didn't get any pictures. My cousins Turner and James came over with DeeDee and Pop. Then mommy's friend Mary came over for the second time this weekend. To top it all off, mommy's sister Susie came over and stayed for a long time. It's nice to see so many people. Daddy didn't have to work today, so he and mommy made margaritas and daddy cooked shrimp and crab etoufee. Mmmm, tastes like summer in February. Well, enough on my Saturday and Sunday, if I get a chance later, I'll detail my Monday too.

1 comment:

NIck Moga said...

Look out Stella, Aunt Nancy is coming this weekend. Beware the Massie women....